Has something been lost? And do you think it happened to us in Castle TerWorm? With iLost the chance is much better that you quickly find your stuff again!
What is iLost?
iLost is the central online place where found items can be registered and claimed. This means that you no longer have to check exactly where you lost something and you avoid having to call everything and everyone. By searching on iLost you increase your chances of finding something substantial. And for us it is nice that the chance is much better that the stuff will return to the rightful owner.
What should you do if you have lost something
Search for your lost object here
Describe the object so that we can determine whether it is yours
We will contact you
You may collect the item free of charge from us if it is determined that it is actually yours
You indicate when you want to collect the item (date and time)
Or you can have the item delivered for € 15 at home
You can arrange the payment online
You will receive your item at home within 24 hours